Gelli Plate 2

This print was done in a few stages.  I painted the plate, printed on the paper, and then I painted on the plate again and printed over the first one.  I used a piece of deli paper on top of the print in order to rub the print, taking off some of the excess...

Gelli Plate Print 1

Making a print using a Gelli Plate and acrylic is simple and effective.  You paint, scrape or roll the acrylic onto the plate and then press it onto dry paper (watercolour or Japanese).  Using your hands, wooden spoon or bamboo “gizmo,”  evenly press down...

Taping Sides of Canvases

It seems so obvious now but it was only a few weeks ago that I learned to tape the edges of my canvases with green or blue painters’ tape in order to keep them clean and prevent having to tidy them up afterwards by painting them white, black or grey.  It works...

One Foot Scraper

Inspired by watching Gerhard Richter drag enormous scrapers across his canvases (documentary and YouTube), the one foot scraper and six inch brush from the hardware store have been fun to try.

3D Glasses

An interesting discovery, and I do not know how it happened, but wearing 3D glasses allows you to see the lights, mediums and darks in your paintings.  

Yupo and Terraskin

Terraskin is about 3/4 mineral powder to 1/4 non-toxic resin combined to make a paper similar to Yupo which is 100% polypropylene. I  have used inks, watercolours, thinned acrylics and coloured pencils on both.  The Terraskin is slightly more textured than the very...